prayer request form

At Full Gospel we take prayer seriously!  We will faithfully lift up your needs to the Lord. 


Please pray for me, as I feel like I am at the lowest point of my life. I passed the so called "end of my self" long ago and don't know what to do anymore. Although I search God with all that I have for years now, the bad parts of my life seem to become worse and worse. I feel like I am the only person on earth god created by accident and that he just does not likes me at all. I know this is not Gods fault and I'm not angry at him but I pray a lot and nothing seems to change. Please pray for me for guidance and for spiritual protection. God bless you Sebastian


Please pray for God to send his Holy Angels to protect me, my family and in-laws


Kindly please pray for healing of my schizophrenia illness, especially the hell of psychotic and distressing noise of cars constantly bearing down on me, suffered for years now.


I’m a Christian, but I desperately need a deeper understanding of the cross, a deeper understanding of Christ’s atoning work, and how it applies to my life. I know there are aspects of the work of the cross that I don’t understand, and until I understand this deeply, and learn to fully apply it to my life, my life will continue failing. I’ve ordered a stack of quality books on the cross. Pray that God will lead me to the answers I need. Pray that God will teach me about the victory that is conferred at the cross. Pray that God will teach me about deliverance through the cross, and healing through the cross, and all the other benefits of the cross. Pray that God will especially target areas I need to understand, areas I’m lacking. Pray that God will exclude from my life false reliance on anything but the cross of Christ for my righteousness. Pray that many people will pray for this for me. Thanks.


Dear FGCoB, Team I and my family (me, my wife and our 3 kids) are in a very challenging financial situation at the moment. Please pray for me that I manage to keep my faith in God and his word and not fall into fear and despair. And that I grow in faith through all of this. Thanks a lot and God bless you all Sebastian

Prayer Request